December 10, 2010

The New Born Motif

haha! you have to see my students work! AMAZING. Few weeks ago, ICC [including me] & IKJ went to Pekalongan and try to teach 25 'pengrajin' to make the new born motif with Decoding technique. We started on trend 2011 knowledge =>  Moodboard => Motif => play the motif on Illustrator => the last step is Batik-ing. Tomorrow they will start to make batik out of their new designs. Our goal is to share the idea of "keeps changing". keep making new things while we honored the heritage. it doesn't mean we kill the traditional batik motif.  it's just the idea so we don't get stuck only in traditional motif but also make new motifs to offer to people. 

here are some of the pengrajing IKM's work 

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