October 18, 2010


For the past few weeks people come to me and asked “What’s mood board?” and my favorite answer was, “mood board is the soul of my collection. It’s about creative investigation, recording information for future designing purpose.” Then the next question usually goes like this “how do you make mood board?” so here is my simple answer:

1. Find inspiration from around you. It can be from magazines, nature, music, movie, local event, traditional art, technology and don’t forget the newest trend [by the way, I have a sneak pick from the trend of 2011]

2. You going to need IDEA, magazines, scissor, glue, everything that goes to you inspiration and a place to put together the inspirations.

3. cut out pictures that inpired you, and put the together.

4. Now you can start designing and use the key elements from your moodboard.

And yes making mood board is not easy. I had the whole semesters just to learn how to make mood board. After rejected so many times, finally can see the reason how important is it to have a mood board. In my opinion, it’s better to have and okay mood board than not have it at all.
Thank you to bu Fifi. ☺


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